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Frame Q-SERIES (including those for outlets and additional modules)

Корзина пуста

Рамка для модулей 2 поста

  • White
  • Графит
  • Black
  • Золото
0 RUR 4 150 RUR Find store
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45 days for refund
Free delivery across Russia
Рамка для модулей 2 поста Рамка для модулей 2 поста Рамка для модулей 2 поста Рамка для модулей 2 поста Рамка для модулей 2 поста Рамка для модулей 2 поста
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Ничего не найдено

  • Specifications

    • Size of the front panel 365 х 80 мм
    • Bezel (material) Glass Optiwhite high quality
  • Information and Technical support in Russia +7 (495) 133-90-04
Features switches of Vento Electric
  • 3 years warranty!
    The quality of our products we pay special attention, therefore, on all products give an extended warranty for a period of 3 years.
  • Installation without any worries
    Need to install additional wires. Installation in a standard round mounting box with a diameter of 65-70 mm.
  • Remote control
    Control is possible from anywhere in the room within range of the remote control.
  • Color indication
    In the off state of the touch area is highlighted in blue, in red.
  • Led backlight
    You can easily use the switches as in poorly lit rooms and in complete darkness.
  • Glass OptiWhite
    The front panel switches made of crystal clear glass OptiWhite

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