Sockets and modules

Universal power point Electric Vento made of high quality materials, available in white and black colors. Branded outlet from Vento Electric are combined in modules of two to five units, work reliably both residential and industrial environments. Sockets and modules Vento Electric is a guarantee of quality.

Варианты розеток и модулей

220V outlet with a protective blinds Module TV socket Module USB socket Module HDMI socket
Module telephone socket RJ-11 Module computer socket RJ-45 Module AUDIO socket Module TV socket
Features switches of Vento Electric
  • 3 years warranty!
    The quality of our products we pay special attention, therefore, on all products give an extended warranty for a period of 3 years.
  • Installation without any worries
    Need to install additional wires. Installation in a standard round mounting box with a diameter of 65-70 mm.
  • Remote control
    Control is possible from anywhere in the room within range of the remote control.
  • Color indication
    In the off state of the touch area is highlighted in blue, in red.
  • Led backlight
    You can easily use the switches as in poorly lit rooms and in complete darkness.
  • Glass OptiWhite
    The front panel switches made of crystal clear glass OptiWhite

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